There's a field near my house where they fly PPG's. These are a lot like the Powered Parachute, except you wear the motor on your back, and take off and land from your feet. I was told they would be out flying Saturday morning, possibly with some Hot Air Balloons also. I showed up early, but nobody else did. It was predicted to be foggy, but that couldn't have been further from the weather we had. No wind, no cloud, nice and cool.... wish I was flying!!
After waiting for over an hour (the weather's so nice somebody has to show up!) I finally gave up. I saw some Hot Air Balloons off in the distance and decided to chase them down. One landed before I got any photos, but like a storm chaser trying to get into the path of a tornado, I stalked down the other one. He flew right over me and even said hello!!
I think the winds are supposed to pick up, and I'm going the University of Texas vs. Nebraska game, so I probably won't get any pics of the PPG's today, but I'll try again Sunday.

The camera makes them look higher than they were. I easily heard them say hello!!

By the way, I didn't take this photo, but these are PPGs. They're very portable, so I could fly anywhere I go. Like on the beach for instance....