I went to OSP on Friday and the field was full of activity. Jim, Terry, Tim, Alt, and Kyle were all there. Jim had a new wing he was flying for the first time. His old wing was caught in a tree in Florida, so when he headed off to get a chainsaw to remove it, someone cut his risers and tried to pull it out, damaging it beyond repair.
Saturday was a long one. Chris, Chip, Ronn and I headed down to Bill's place. Jean came out also. She has a PPC, but it was damaged in a car wreck. She's currently getting it repaired.
Chris flew for 4 hours throughout the day! We don't get too many days like that.
Bill got out his Fresh Breeze on a Trike Buggy and worked with me. Before long, he had me in the air! I flew a couple of patterns around the field and decided I'd had enough. It was fun, but a little nerve wracking.
Jim and his new wing.

Alt flying under Tim's wing.

Alt close to sunset.

Alt under the moon.

Chris with Bill in the background.

Chris after being shot down.

Bill and Chris

Chris and Jean

Chip and his son Rhett

Me! I look pretty serious, huh? That's terror!

First Practice Run.

Second practice run. That's Bill's son Joey in the background.

More fun...

And I was flying...

I can't say enough thanks to Bill for not only letting me fly his trike, but helping me learn when he could have been up flying. Thanks again Bill.
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