Chris, Travis and I met up early this morning to get in a sunrise flight.
Chris and his daughter tearing it up.


Travis taking a picture of me taking a picture of him!!



Travis heading down for some low flying.

My Robert Laird shot. Check out Robert's Blog, the link is in the right margin.

Couldn't pass up the Texas flag.

We found this airstrip. Looks like a cropduster field.

Till next time.
Jack "No Cancer Having" Fleetwood
Jack -- First of all, glad to hear that you've licked cancer's butt! That pretty much overtops anything else, doesn't it!
Second, I wanted to say I was very flattered by your reference to the "Robert Laird shot"... That's probably the highest praise I've ever received, and I thank you for it!
Great flights!
-- Robert
Thanks, it's nice to know I didn't make a bad decision on treatment. I will have to watch it for the rest of my life though.
I've always enjoyed your Blog and Texas Flyer. It inspired me to create my own Blog and I'm glad to see people are reading it. Everytime I see a tractor when I'm flying, I think of your photos! I especially liked the shadows on this one.
WOW! Thats GREAT news Jack!!! So glad to hear you have that behind you! Take care and hope to see you soon!
Thanks Glen. It seems like it took forever, but I was diagnosed 4/11/08. Not that long from having cancer to cancer being destroyed!! I'm truly a lucky man.
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