Tuesday, April 15, 2008

When It Rains...

I haven’t posted much, as usual, I’m busy. I’ve been working on kiting, pulling up the wing, and I’m getting pretty good at it. The next step would be to put the motor on my back and practice kiting with the extra weight. I was making steady progress and was just about ready to call Andy and head down to Galveston to finish my training. I’m even dreaming about getting into the air again.

Then things changed…

I went to the doctor Friday fully expecting them to take my appendix out. I was in pain most of the day and had most of the symptoms. I had to go through a CT scan and they took some blood. Then the doctor came in and changed everything. Did he just say cancer? Something about taking my kidney? Not me, it can’t be true.

It is true. I will have to schedule surgery to remove my kidney in the next few weeks. I’ll have a minimum of several weeks of recovery. It will be done arthroscopically, but it’s still considered a major surgery. I’ll be in the hospital for 3 – 4 days and out of work for awhile after that. Then I’ll have to have my remaining kidney monitored for the rest of my life. The doctor tells me since I’m not over 40 my good kidney will actually grow in size and I shouldn’t have any other problems.

I’m in moderate pain now, but it’s manageable. I don’t want to get it done, but I also want it to be over. The worst part for me will be lying in a bed for so long. I’m so tired…

This is a flying Blog, so how does this affect my flying? Well, at this time I’m not really sure. When I traded for the PPG, I fully intended to carry the motor on my back. I do have a trike though and will probably have to use it at least for awhile. I will only slow down as much as they make me! I fully intend to be in the air again as soon as possible. Depending on when he wants to do the surgery, I may finish my training beforehand. Either way, this is only a temporary setback.

I’ll try to keep the Blog updated with my progress.



Hugo said...

Jack, I have enjoyed your blog and hope that your recuperation is swift and complete so you can get back up in the air.

I hope that all your nurses are cute and "well-packaged". [wink]

Jack Fleetwood said...

Thank you. I'm sure I'll recover quickly and it's nice to know I have a lot of people pulling for me.

I couldn't agree more about the nurses!

Anonymous said...

We are all praying for you in N.Y. Make sure yopu get a second opinion and a third if need be, but do this asap. We love you all and will keep you in our prayers. We are here if you need us. Love Aunt Debbie

Anonymous said...

We are all praying for you in N.Y. Make sure yopu get a second opinion and a third if need be, but do this asap. We love you all and will keep you in our prayers. We are here if you need us. Love Aunt Debbie