Chris and I met up on the highway and when we got there Scott and Travis were already there. We got setup and headed off into great, no wind conditions. It was just great flying weather.
We saw some hot air balloons again and tried to get too them, but the best I got was a photo of one of them after he had landed. Maybe the dark clouds building to the North convinced them to land!
After we landed, a cop was there, and not for the normal friendly conversations we've had with them. He said we had flown over a "No Fly Zone", the building right next to the airport apparently controls the electric grid for the entire state. It's not on the chart, but instead of telling him to get lost, we just said we would stay away. Gotta love un-informed police!
By the way, it's 3:00 and still hasn't rained! We're very cautious.
Click on these for larger versions.
Check out the sun coming through Chris' sails.
Travis doing a touch-n-go on Runway 17.
The Twin-Beech ready to go. Check out the very cool shadow of the plane!
I almost didn't post this photo, but again, check out their shadows!
Scott and his son.
My Shadow. Some crops are doing well, others are dead.
Chris and his daughter Maddie.
Is that Maddie smiling at me :-)