Chris and I headed out last Sunday. It was nice and calm on the ground... not so in the sky! I was off first and headed East toward Rockdale, but we only made it about 12 miles to Thrall and decided to turn back. We were getting really fast ground speeds. When we turned around, I was getting 8 mph or less. It took forever to get back.
I used my wide-angle lens on my camera. I've never used it when flying, and probably won't again, but it made for some unique phtos.
Looking up!

Can't get this shot with a regular lens.

Chris flying over a camouflaged field.

Big intersection East of Taylor.

The Prison!


In all of my years of flying, I don't remember this much crop damage. It's really been hot.

Looks like a farmer wanted to keep his trees!

Interesting crop pattern.

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