The winds that I'm not comfortable with don't affect my PPG flying buddies nearly as much. So as is typical when I decide not to fly, I go to OSP and they are there!
I went out on Sunday and found Alt setting up. He was flying his Fresh Breeze and after waiting for awhile to let the winds die down, he was quickly in the air. I noticed he wasn't getting into his seat, but I thought maybe he was just making one circuit and then coming in to land. It turned out that he couldn't get in it! He landed and I helped him get the seat out from behind his back and he was off again.
When he was launching I noticed two other PPGs flying on the other side of the park. It turned out to be Terry and Tim. Terry never got close enough for a photo, but Tim made some close passes. When I say close, one made me scramble a little bit! It was nice to see Tim in the air after a long hiatus waiting for his new Green Eagle, which he calls the Snow Eagle due to it's custom white paint job.
I really like the way some PPG and PPC manufacturers are going with 4-stroke engines. I believe Tim's has a Generac generator engine and it sounds very nice. I couldn't get over how it sounded like a real plane instead of a weedeater!
All in all, it was nice to visit with Alt and see Tim flying again. It was second best to being in the air myself!
Alt flying by!

Tim coming in for a pass with Alt behind him.

Tim making some low passes.

Your sunset photos are amazing!
Doesn't it suck to be grounded.
Thank you!
Yes, it does suck. I guess I can't complain, you've been grounded a lot longer than me!
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