Scott really wanted to try out his PPC with it's new wheels. It's now a 4-wheeler and seemed to work because for once he kept it upright! So he won the honor of getting the title of this blog. Travis was a close second. I heard him tell Paul, "In the event of a water landing..." and I about lost it!! That would have been a great title.... maybe next time.
After warming up, Scott took off after demonstrating his magic disappearing act (see photo)Travis convinced his friend Paul that flying backwards was normal and they too were soon off. I never would have believed it, but they somehow made it back safely. I had never noticed their Navy tailhooks, but now I must get one. It stops them very quickly and only slightly warps the frame.
I wish I had gone. Travis keeps saying I need to get some stones. I never see any on his plane, but I guess they help. He says you can't buy them, you have to grow them. I'm not sure what he means...
My wide angle lens might have exagerated Scott's PPC!
Another look at his training wheels.
The Hurricane-Force Winds. You did not want to be out there!!!
Where did Scott go?
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